Women Need Women

Jul 26, 2022

RANDom thought: Strong Women Support Strong Women

Have you heard the saying that women don’t support other women? I don’t know if it is a saying or not, but I do know it to be true, at least in my own experience.

However, I do believe it is changing. Women today seem more connected to other women. There are certainly more women’s groups one can be a part of today. I think this is a great thing. We have all heard of the “good ole boy network,” and often, it is not spoken of as a good thing. As a woman, I believe we can learn from the good ole boy network system. That is where deals got made, business got done, and the power existed. I say it still does, which is why I firmly believe women need women. I am not just talking about your besties. I am talking about investing in your career by joining a professional group of women. Yes, it costs money, and yes, it is worth it because you are worth it.

I am a member of several women’s groups where I pay an annual fee, and I pay for monthly meetings and often yearly conferences. It is worth every dime I spend!

I have increased my business contacts, friends, and customers. I have also grown my network of professional women I can depend on to assist me as I grow my business. All without competition! If you are concerned about competition, let me remind you there are over 7 billion people worldwide, and there is enough business for us all. Let’s work together to become stronger, better, and more powerful.

Yes, ladies, it is possible! There is power when we join together!

Listen in to this week’s Boss Lady Podcast for a deeper dive into this discussion.

Remember, as my Grandfather always said, “Take time to stop and smell the roses”!
Until we meet again, take care.

I will discuss this topic more in a FB live mini training on the private Career Cultivators site on Wednesday at 11:45 EST. Join me there!


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