The Great Resignation

Mar 15, 2022

Why is the “Great Recession” still going on?

RANDom thought: People don’t quit jobs, they quit people

Many of you have probably heard that thought. I am unsure where it originated; even Google couldn’t tell me! However, it has never been truer than it is today. I recently read an article that stated the number one reason employees leave employment is their Boss!
I have been in the working world for over 30 years, and the number one reason people leave a job has not changed in all that time. It is still because of their direct supervisor.
No other reason, even during the pandemic, has topped this reason.

I have been thinking a lot about this during the “Great Resignation.” Why have so many people left employment? They are not unemployed; they are working for themselves or decided that staying home with their children was better. They have agreed to be their own Boss. Why?

There are many reasons, but this one remains at the top. They do not like their direct supervisor!

So, what can you do if you are the Boss?
1. Look at the other nine reasons people leave their jobs and see where you can improve.
2. too much workload
3. no recognition
4. broken commitments
5. relationship with co-workers
6. lack of work flexibility
7. lack of career advancement
8. micromanagement
9. no clear goals or direction
10. overall company culture

As a supervisor, have you had this discussion with the employees you still have? Or are you just going about business as usual and working your remaining employees harder and harder with little or no extra pay? Believe me, as a former CEO, I know it is not that simple, yet we are now forced to think and act differently. The employees are in the proverbial catbird seat. So now, what will you, as the Boss, do differently?

I have heard that the COVID money through unemployment and relief checks is why people are not working. While I believe that is a part of the reason, it is a very small part. The way companies handled the pandemic and their employees played a more significant role. Employees have been overworked and underpaid in many industries. The pandemic showed them a better work/life balance, and they are opting for better pay, better work/life balance, and many are simply starting their own businesses.

What are your thoughts?

More on this topic this week on Career Cultivators Facebook Live on Wednesday at 11:30

Remember, as my Grandfather always said, “Take time to stop and smell the roses”!
Until we meet again, take care.

Click here for a great infographic and further thoughts on this subject.


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