Is your greatest fear speaking in public?

podcast Jun 09, 2021
The Boss Lady Podcast

RANDom thought: All speaking is public speaking, whether to one person or a thousand.

Join Teresa and Al as they interview Neil Gordon, a communications expert who helps individuals become the face of a movement. Neil gives advice on developing an elevator speech and how to overcome fear or anxiety about speaking in public. This episode has so many good tips we had to cover it in two episodes. You will want to have pen and paper ready to take notes and put these tips into immediate action!

Neil works with executives, influencers, and thought leaders and has helped them get six-figure book advances, be seen on shows like Ellen and Dr. Oz, and double their speaking fees. Prior to becoming a communications expert, he worked on the editorial staff of Penguin Random House where he worked with New York Times bestselling authors. He has been featured on Forbes, Fortune,, and NBC Palm Springs, and is a VIP contributor for Entrepreneur.

In this (and the next) episode, we discuss:

Developing your personal elevator speech Overcoming anxiety, nerves, and/or fear before speaking Finding your silver bullet

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